Uyanwe - Uyanwe Warajeñe Songs and Hymns
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Songs and hymns, Jimm G. GoodTracks.
In this PDF file are the following songs and hymns:
"Silent Night, Holy Night", originally transcribed by Earl BigSoldier Plumley, Sr. Current transcription with free translation by Jimm G. GoodTracks
"Sweet Hour of Prayer", originally transcribed by Earl BigSoldier Plumley, Sr. Current transcription with free translation by Jimm G. GoodTracks
"Jesus (Son of God)", retranscription with free translation by Jimm G. GoodTracks
"Jesus Died in a Miserable Way", retranscription with free translation by Jimm G. GoodTracks
"Amazing Grace" or "Jesus I Come to You Truly", retranscription with fine translation by Jimm G. GoodTracks
"Older Brother, Jesus, Have Pity on Us", retranscription with free translation by Jimm G. GoodTracks
"Jesus (Son of God)", retranscription with free translation by Jimm G. GoodTracks
"Son of God, They Are Saying", retranscription with free translation by Jimm G. GoodTracks
"An Elder's Admonition & Blessing"
Audio file of Ketan Xanje, Big Turtle Song, first version..
Audio file of Ketan Xanje, Big Turtle Song, second version. The singer is Sarah Hudson Kihega, RógriChégeMi,of the Beaver Clan.
Audio file of "Two Roads". The Otoe-Missouria speaker is Joe Young Sr., Udáhsje (Bear Clan name).
Note: The English Translation is presented here for the benefit of those wishing to hear the Ioway - Otoe - Missouria Language spoken by Native speakers, and does not represent any efforts to promote any particular religious views or denominations.
There's a lot of people who don't know, that when you die, where will you go? A lot (of them) don't know if they are a child of God. If you read his word, you'll find out where you belong. In God's Bible, He speaks of the two roads – the Broad Road (ná^un xánje: big road) and the Narrow Road (ná^un súwe: small road). The Small Road is God's children will walk on it. But there will be just a few of them. And the Big Road, the sinful man will walk the big road. There will be a lot of them. Those that make trouble by gossip, steal, or murder are the ones walking the Big Road. When we were born we were walking in the Broad Road, because we had not heard the Word of God.
Now you take a child, if he is not taught the ways of the Lord, he is going to do all these sinful things. A child will learn to steal, tell stories, and all things that are not good. If you don't teach a child when he is young, when he grows up, he will be worse. God said that there will be a lot of people which would travel the Big Road into the fire of hell. A person that walks in the Big Road, Satan has a hold of him. We won't travel the Broad Road, if love of belief in God and trust in him. God has built a Narrow Road and the majority of people do not care to travel it, because they love the things of the world. We have some of our own people, they ridicule us and make fun of us, because we are Christians. Because we walk the Narrow Road, they criticize us. The Devil comes: Don't think about tomorrow, enjoy yourself. Go to all the dances and enjoy all the amusements. Those of you who are mine, let's try to believe in God and walk the straight and Narrow Path.
If we try to walk in the Little Road, we have the assurance of entering into Heaven. God said that there is noone good and it tells in the Bible, in Romans, Chapter 3, God does not like sin, and the Bible prophesy points to Jesus' second coming in 1988. God said, man, we cannot get into Heaven, without believing in Jesus. He is, the way to Heaven. He died on the cross for us sinful men, that we will repent and he will carry away all our sins from us. They tacked him up on the cross, but he loved the human race, so that's why he gave his life on the cross. Jesus.
And if you believe in Jesus, and be a follower of him, he will take all your sins away, and you will not sin no more.
Audio file of Wakándeyinne (Jesus "Son of God"). The native singers are Joe Young Sr. (Udáhsje, Bear Clan name) and Bessie Dupree Young (UxráHgaMi, Eagle Clan name). Joe and Betsy Young were members and elders of the Otoe Baptist Church of Red Rock, whiles at the same time he held the Otoe-Missoura Head Tribal Singer for the Iroshka Dance Society and the annual Tribal powwow in mid July.
Jesus, (Literally: Son of God).
I am praying to you.
Have pity on me, your own one,
I am saying it truly.
Jesus, (Son of God),
You alone, I depend upon you.
You alone, I depend upon you.
You alone, I depend upon you.
I continually (do so).
I am pitiful as
I am praying to you.
Have pity on me, your own one,
I am saying it.
Audio file, Sounds and rhythms of an Ioway and Otoe speaking together in regard to Gospel teachings. The native speakers are Joe Young Sr. (Udáhsje, Bear Clan name) and Bessie Dupree Young (UxráHgaMi, Eagle Clan name).
Note: The English Translation is presented here for the benefit of those wishing to hear the Ioway - Otoe - Missouria Language spoken by Native speakers, and does not represent any efforts to promote any particular religious views or denominations.
How can I obtain everlasting life? What am I going to do? Am I going to give myself to the Lord? Give to Jesus, and obtain everlasting life?
God said in the scriptures: Throw away your sins, and He will forgive them.
What if my heart is sinful and I walk in the ways of sin. What will/ must I do?
This life He is offering you, it goes on forever. You will not want for anything. And you will rejoice in that day.
I am weak and sinful and how can I obtain the everlasting life?
Do not feel bad, nor have sorrow in your heart. God loves you and He wants to make you happy by giving you a place in Heaven. Whatever you do, He is going to guide you. And you cannot help, but to follow Him in your life. Even us old people are like a child unless we come to God and read His word and believe in it. Then we will know where we stand. We are going to follow Him.
Are you telling the truth?
Yes, you give your heart to me. You will be my child. I believe in God. I think I am His child.
This new life, I want it, and I want to be a follower of God.
Take it to the Lord to forgive you He will guide you.
Audio file of Jesus hanLh^éxwe Howana (Jesus Died In A Miserable Way). The native singers are Joe Young Sr. (Udáhsje, Bear Clan name) and Bessie Dupree Young (UxráHgaMi, Eagle Clan name). Joe and Betsy Young were members and elders of the Otoe Baptist Church of Red Rock, whiles at the same time he held the Otoe-Missoura Head Tribal Singer for the Iroshka Dance Society and the annual Tribal powwow in mid July.
Jesus died in a miserable way,
When he was on this earth here.
What he foretold to take place,
In that manner we will go.
In the days He has ahead,
We are going to meet him.
We cannot get around that.
Brothers/ Sisters, Come on!
Audio file, Hináge Ñik^éda (Woman At The Well). The native speaker is Joe Young Sr. (Udáhsje, Bear Clan name).
Note: The English Translation is presented here for the benefit of those wishing to hear the Ioway - Otoe - Missouria Language spoken by Native speakers, and does not represent any efforts to promote any particular religious views or denominations.
"Then give me this water, so I will never have to thirst. You belong to a different tribe. And why do you ask me water. Our People belong to different Tribes. And our People will not speak with one another."
"If you drink of my water, you will never thirst." And the woman said, she asked him:
"How are you going to give me water, you don't even have a bucket. And if I give you my water, you will never thirst. I want that water so I won't never thirst."
She said, he speaks "warápi", he talks kindly, that he wants to give his water.
"Give me that water!" And Jesus says,
"Where is your husband?" And she says, "I don't have any."
"You are telling the truth. The man you are living with you are not married to him."
"Oh, this man must be a spirit. He is telling all about me, whatever I did." she thought.
"He told all about me. Our Old People used to say a man was going to come, and I believe this is him," the woman said (to herself).
"We often hear our elders say, that a man was going to come some day. I believe this to be God's son. He tells all things." Then Jesus spoke up and said:
"I am that prophet that was to come." She got all excited, almost fainted, and forgot about her water. She ran to town, and told the People that Christ was down at the well.
"This man I met at the well, he told all about me, everything I did. I believe this to be the man our Elders said was going to come.
Meanwhile, his disciples came and seen him talking to this woman. It was against the law to talk to a single woman by yourself. And Jesus said that:
"This water I give you to drink, it is not the kind you drink, but it is of the Holy Spirit."
Well, this woman, he told her all what she did she was living with five men.
"This man I was living with, I thought that he would be kind and good to me. But he wasn't. So now, I am going to believe in the Lord.
Well, who do you rely on when you lose someone and you are in sorrow? When you lose someone in death, your heart is broken and you are in sorrow. You pray to God. We sometimes get to drinking whiskey, strong drink, and we try to forget our sorrow. But it cannot be done. We have sorrows, hardship in our lives. We turn to God, and we will have all together different life. We'll be happy, joyful, kind, respect our fellow man. If we pray to him he will take all these things in our hearts and minds – he will take them away. He'll heal us when sick and once again rejoice in his love.
Audio file of Jesus Mínke Rígragina (Amazing Grace (or) Jesus I Come To You Truly). The native singers are Joe Young Sr. (Udáhsje, Bear Clan name) and Bessie Dupree Young (UxráHgaMi, Eagle Clan name). Joe and Betsy Young were members and elders of the Otoe Baptist Church of Red Rock, whiles at the same time he held the Otoe-Missoura Head Tribal Singer for the Iroshka Dance Society and the annual Tribal powwow in mid July.
Jesus I come to you truly,
And that I stand up for you.
I am praying to you, Help me, your own one.
Have pity on us.
Jesus I come to you truly,
And He stands by me.
I am praying to you, Help me, your own one.
Have pity on us.
Audio file of Otoe Baptist Church Hymns. The Otoe-Missouria Singers are Joe Young Sr. and Bessie Dupree Young. Udáhsje was Joe Young Sr.'s Bear Clan name; UxráHgraMi was Bessie Dupree Young's Eagle Clan Name.
Hinyíno, Jesus (Our Older Brother, Jesus)
*This song appears in Book II, p.93. It is sung to the melody of
"Take the Name of Jesus With You".
Our older brother, Jesus,
When we ask him for the truth.
The sins that we have,
He will throw them away for us.
Brothers, Sisters, come on! A happy day in the land.
Brothers, Sisters, come on! This earth is difficult.
Náwe Waháminana (He's Waving His Hand)
Son of God is waving his hand.
He is calling us, his own ones.
Son of God is waving his hand.
He is calling us, his own ones.
Son of God is waving his hand.
He is calling us, his own ones.
Wakandéyine Áwino (They're Saying Jesus)
They're saying Jesus,
Come stand with him!
They're saying Jesus,
Come stand with him!
They're saying Jesus,
Come stand with him!
Son of God (Jesus)
Land up above,
He's starting back with us, his own ones.
Audio file of Christian Hymns. The Otoe-Missouria Singers are Joe Young Sr. and Bessie Dupree Young. Udáhsje was Joe Young Sr.'s Bear Clan name; UxráHgraMi was Bessie Dupree Young's Eagle Clan Name. They were members of the Otoe-Missouria Baptist Church, Red Rock, Oklahoma. (Audio posted courtesy of Sergey Bychko, St. Petersburg)

Photo of Native American Church meeting. View larger image here.
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